The site now occupied by PepperGreen Farm was originally established in 1859 by Chinese Settlers as a brickworks. In 2005, as part of a Melbourne University archaeological dig, a rare Chinese brick kiln was unearthed and excavated and then reburied for its protection. During the 1880’s, Chinese market gardens were planted and apart from a period during the late 20th century, farms and commercial nurseries have been in operation since. The site was also closely linked to the nearby Chinese settlement at Emu Point (across the road from PepperGreen Farm), where the Joss House still stands. The Chinese grew a variety of produce in their market gardens, which sustained the early miners. The market gardens, Emu Point and kiln all merge to create a historically significant site for Bendigo, which visitors continue to appreciate. The Dja Dja Wurrung have ancestors tracing back thousands of years. PepperGreen Farm is working closely with our local Aboriginal community to raise cultural awareness among the broader community. Today PepperGreen Farm is a social enterprise division of Access Australia Group (AAG) a not-for-profit organisation that supports people through targeted education, employment, social inclusion and social enterprises. PepperGreen Farm has been developed as a tourist, education and employment precinct, providing tourist attractions and experiences to visitors and the community, school and community workshops and programs on environmental practices, horticulture and biodiversity. Access Australia Group has three Social Enterprise divisions – PepperGreen Farm, Access Employment Enterprises, and PepperGreen Farm Catering. We currently provide supported employment and skills training for people with disability or disadvantage. The Farm is fostering skills development in micro-business, horticulture, retail, tourism, hospitality, and creative manufacturing. Programs offered can improve participants knowledge, physical, emotional and psychological wellbeing, while providing volunteer and employment opportunities for community members, staff and supported employees. Every purchase made helps AAG to employ and provide services to a person with disability or disadvantage.
Pepper Green Farm
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