Our details
3421 Bridgewater-Maldon Road , Newbridge, VIC 3551
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Our story

Newbridge Wines is a small, single-site, family-operated vineyard and olive grove nestled on the picturesque banks of the Loddon River at Newbridge in central Victoria. We are members of the Bendigo Winegrower’s Association

Our grafted vines were planted in 1996 but our first wine was not produced until the vintage of 2003. We grow less than 5 tonnes each year and produce only about 300 cases depending on the season. At present we produce only one wine per year sourced entirely from our own estate grown Shiraz grapes. Since we grow only Shiraz grapes our wine is unblended with any other variety. Therefore, each bottle of our wine tells a story about the season in which it was grown.

No herbicides are applied in the vineyard and our product is vegan friendly. We like to mulch. We enjoy the luxury of irrigating from the magnificent Loddon River.

We produce Extra Virgin Olive Oil from our olive grove planted in 1999. The date of harvest is shown on every bottle to ensure that it contains the freshest oil. Our varieties are Corregiola, Verdale and Kalamata.

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