Our details
1477 Yorkshire Road , Newbridge, VIC 3516
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Our story

Bio Gro are passionate about delivering quality products from Organics. This is at the heart of our business and all of our products are based on Organic inputs.

When we started this journey over 45 years ago we were trail blazers within the Forestry industry finding value from waste and bi-products. Now with change in Government policy, social pressures to be more sustainable in the way we live and promoting a healthier world through health soils and plant life, Bio Gro have come into their own.

Bio Gro now divert over 350,000 tonnes of Organics from Landfill every year and growing! These materials include Kerbside Green Organics and Food (FOGO), Commercial timbers, Whey from the dairy industry, Bi-Products of the intensive agricultural and commercial food industries, garden and landscaping waste, and our long-standing relationship with managing forestry bi-products from the timber milling industry, such as Pine Bark & Sawdust, amongst other things.

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