Our details
389 Heathcote-Rochester Road MT Camel , Heathcote, Victoria 3523
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Our story

Wren Estate is based in Mt. Camel, which lies in the heart of Central Heathcote, 10 minutes north of the town of Heathcote. Heathcote is famous for producing world class Shiraz and more recently alternate varietals. Wren Estate wines are produced from the home block and the 52 ha property also features an olive grove from which olives and olive oil are also produced.

Owner/winemaker, Michael Wren uses his knowledge and experience gained over more than 20 vintages around the to produce wines that reflect the best of Old and New World techniques. The use of ‘lagares’ (low, open fermenters) that have been a feature of Douro (Portuguese Port wine producing region) wineries for centuries are particular favorite of Michael’s to ensure the highest quality wine. Hand picking, whole bunches included in the ferment and foot treading are also features of Michael’s winemaking that give Wren Estate wines a point of difference that is reflected in the wines.

Wren Estate wines were humbled to be named as one of the 10 Best New Wineries of the Year by James Halliday’s Wine Companion.

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